
My Very First Post (From old blog)

Hi my friend, its 23:00 Im writing this post

Today, I spent my whole day to build my github site and blog 8/

It took me a lot of time but it wasnt so bad, I learnt some stuffs and aquired some information about jekyll and how to work smoothly with jekyll and githube-pages

The reason I choosed github pages is the power of github while its free, professional and customizable.

The only downside is Markdown formatting which a little anoying but still is not unusable

update 23:32

Right now, Im in my family vineyard, drinking some tea and enjoy being with my family :)


update 00:10 July 27th

To finish this post: The bright Moon

I’ve planned to work on Python and learn Network fundemental tomorrow…. try to do my best <3

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.